I think i need a good massage right now. My back and shoulder is hurt and causing me a pain. I'm spending too much time sitting in front of my pc , but i do take a break and do other stuff...but it's still hurt...
The use of touch to promote a sense of physical and emotional wellbeing is one of the oldest of all natural therapies. Massage employs many different strokes that can stimulate or relax muscles , improve circulation , and encourage healing of a wide variety of complaints. It can be used in conjunction with aromatheraphy to achieve a broad range of therapeutic benefits...
After the massage , we may feel either relaxed or full of energy . Our muscles may be a little stiff for a while afterwards , especially if they have been causing you pain. If muscle stiffness is likely , the best way to comfort it is lie for 30 minutes in a warm bath.
owh my.. i dont' care what types of massage strokes , Effleurage ; Pettrisage or friction ... as long as it can ease this pain...
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